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4th Annual Trauma Informed Biographical Timeline (TIBT) Cohort

4th Annual Trauma Informed Biographical Timeline (TIBT) Cohort

Register here

About the Cohort

When: November 2021 - June 2022 | 12 sessions total

Who: Facilitated by Sarah Buffie, La Shanda Sugg, LPC, Dr. Adrienne Kennedy

Where: Virtual

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Trauma Informed Biographical Timeline (TIBT)?

For people who have experienced significant trauma throughout their lives, a Trauma Informed Biographical Timeline is a method for reframing their experiences and behaviors.

For carers, a TIBT is an opportunity to retell and reinterpret the story of the person they care about, and use that new understanding to shift the relationships and outcomes for everyone involved.

What is a TIBT Cohort?

The TIBT cohort is a virtual collective of care workers, family members, SSAs, educators, administrators and more, who want to learn how to lead TIBTs in their communities.

The goal is to develop the skills to become future facilitators, collaborators and supporters of TIBTs in the (work)places where cohort members care about others.

Watch the 2020 Cohort Panel Discussion:

Who should apply?

“Being part of the 2020-2021 TIBT Cohort was a gift to me and I think it was a gift to a lot of people.” – LaShanda Sugg

Our goal is to accept as many applicants as possible, and we will be prioritizing applicants based on their existing capacity to become TIBT leaders in their communities, as well as doing our best to create regional mini-cohorts among the applicants we receive.

How long is the cohort?

The virtual cohort experience runs for 7 months from November 2021 - June 2022. There will be 12 sessions total: 6 content-specific trainings on TIBTs, and 6 practice sessions where you will dive into what you’ve learned with others in your region.

Mark your calendar!

In advance of applying, please hold these dates discuss your availability to attend all 12 sessions with your supervisor, as they are all essential parts of the learning journey ahead.


When are applications due?

Applications for the 2021-2022 virtual TIBT Cohort are due by October 4th.


About the Facilitators

This is the fourth year that Soul Bird Consulting, led by Sarah Buffie, will lead the cohort. Joined by Sarah are La Shanda Sugg and Dr Kennedy (see below. In addition, there will be a team of TIBT fellows supporting our regional sessions.

Sarah Buffie

Trauma Responsive trainer/facilitator supporting organizations and individuals understand how complex childhood trauma affects the brain and body and how we can join others on the healing journey. Sarah has been with The Resilience Project in a variety of roles and has deep working knowledge of the TIBT Framework as well as the art and practice of facilitation.

La Shanda Sugg, LPC

Trauma specializing therapist and training consultant. Her trauma expertise and ability to make complex concepts easy to understand make her work accessible. Her authenticity and transparency as a trauma survivor make people want to listen. La Shanda founded Labors of Love Counseling and Consulting, LLC to help organizations understand trauma and the traumatic stress of racism and other forms of oppression and help them move towards Cultural Humility and trauma responsiveness. As a Therapist, she helps families Move from Coping to Healing. For more information about Labors of Love Counseling and Consulting, LLC visit

Dr. Adrienne Kennedy

With over 15 years of experience working with organizations, educators, administrators, children, parents and caregivers, Adrienne has developed a passion for helping organizations that serve vulnerable youth. She is passionate about helping organizations identify and counter social norms and behaviors that perpetuate negative outcomes and experiences for children and families, especially those who have been historically marginalized. Adrienne is a life-long learner who loves to teach and learn from others. Her core value is justice and mission is to move the most vulnerable and marginalized children in our society to higher ground.

The TIBT cohort is funded by the Resilience Project of the Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health program, and receives support from Ohio Departments of Development Disabilities and Mental Health and Addiction Services.

To learn more, we invite you to ask those you might know who have participated in previous cohorts about their experience; or reach out to Soul Bird Consulting via

November 1

Trauma & Resiliency - Informed Leadership for Healers, Helpers, and Holders of Spaces

January 7

Resilience Based De-Escalation Training (Part 1 )